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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

01/07/2003 - 10:29 a.m.

Drugs for Babies?

I'm going to invent Tylenol PM for babies. Think about it. No more accidents due to sleep depreviation. No more crying through the night because your kids don't sleep. Just pop them a pill and out they go.

I think that my son thinks his crib is his own personal hell. Why else would he scream bloody murder every time we put him in it? All those well meaning people just tell me, let him cry, eventually he will learn that it is bed time and go to sleep. We have been. For almost three weeks. He still carries on for at least 20 minutes when we put him down.

Other friends tell me, just bring him to bed with you. We've done that too. He sleeps and I doze. He kicks and I roll off the bed. It's my bed, damnit. I love my son but I don't want to go with him to college cause he needs me to go to sleep.

I could live with this if he would sleep the whole night. But no, he must then wake up at 12, 3, 5 screaming as the flames are turned up and he thinks he needs to make us, his poor sleep deprived parents, aware of the situtation.

So baby Tylenol PM is the only way. I'll get right on that. In just a few minutes. Actually the floor is looking pretty comfy. I'll just lay down for a bit first.
