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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

February 28, 2003 - 10:59 a.m.


I was going to write a lengthy description about the escapades of dinner and drinks out with my coworkers last night, but I am too queasy, tired and slightly hungover to go into all the details. Here's a quick run down. . .

6:45 - Meet at the restaurant. Immediately down one margarita on the rocks.

7:15 - Down second Margarita on the rocks.

7:30 - Dinner comes. Time for third Margarita on the rocks.

7:45 - Waiting for check. Good time for Fourth Margarita on the rocks.

8:15 - Leave to go to second destination.

8:30 - Hey! Lemon Shot! That sounds great.

8:40 - Kamakozi? Of course. Hit me!

9:00 - Oh my God. What was I thinking.

9:30 - Begin drinking water in hopes of bringing on sobriety and staving off hangover.

10:15 - Feel confident I can now drive home. Follow cars in front of me very carefully.

10:35 - Home at last! Body realizes it is home, feels safe and drunk comes back at full force.

10:45 - Quickie with the hubby.

11:00 - Pray to the porcelain god.

11:15 - Pray to the real God.

11:30 - Stumble into sleep as the world spins around me.

11:30 - 4:30 - Dream about the Night That Would Never End

4:30 - Pee.

5:30 - Give Peyton a bottle.

7:00 - Wake up. Shower. Drag ass into work.

Needless to say, I can't even remember a random trivia today.