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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

March 05, 2003 - 11:16 a.m.

My Submission

Here is a little piece that I wrote for Genia. Here's the information in case you want to submit something too.

"I am a journalist who is compiling a book of journal entries and letters in order to illuminate the lives of people from all over the world.

My goal is to share these moments which make us all human... the beautiful, tragic and ordinary times that unite us.

I would like to make an amazing book that makes a difference in this world. Getting a glimpse into the lives of others will encourage empathy, tolerance and understanding.

All submissions donated to the project must be written in first person, present tense. I appreciate your time, and any input you may have.

Genia Stemper

P.O. Box 788

Camarillo, CA


[email protected]

P.S...the entries may be anonymous, or with a by-line including name, age, sex, occupation, or any or none of the above. Whichever you prefer, just be sure to let me know."

Mom and Dad just left after unloaded the few belongings I�ve accumulated for the past 19 years into the apartment I�ll be sharing with my boyfriend�s cousin. I�m sitting on my newly made bed, staring out the window at the changing leaves, and thinking how do I write about an event that just changed the course of my life.

It was a whirlwind journey to find the perfect place, starting only a month ago. Julie had casually mentioned at the family reunion that she would like to move back to Montgomery and after some quick calculations, it was determined that I made enough at my current place of employment to move in with her. I hadn�t really taken her seriously at the time.

Two weeks later, though, we spent the weekend scouring rental properties and now, two weeks after that I am officially living on my own for the first time. It�s so quiet here and very undecorated.

I was standing in my bathroom last night, staring blankly at the sink, empty box dangling from my hand when Mom walked in to ask if I needed help. Tears stunk the backs of my eyes as we packed soaps, perfumes, shampoo and some towels. The little bathroom grew as it was quickly emptied.

When Mom started to take down the tropical fish shower curtain I had received as a Christmas gift a couple of years ago, the tears began to flow. We sat on the floor and cried. I told her I didn�t want to go and she laughed that I should have mentioned that earlier. I don�t know what I was thinking. Life at home was never bad.

This morning when I woke up, though, excitement tickled the pit of my stomach as I thought of my new bedroom and bathroom that are bigger than mine at home, the pool that is just outside my second story window, and the fact that my boyfriend can spend the night whenever he wants.

They say that you can never go home again. I don�t think this is necessarily bad though, just a part of growing up and moving forward.


Not much else is happening on my front. Larry ran last night. He said he is trying to get back into shape. I said, good, I want to lose mine.

I made a damn good meatloaf last night! I'm so proud.

Peyton went to bed without a whimper, but woke up at 1:30 screaming his head off. I can't win.

I hope you like the new diary look. I'm going to try and add a picture to the background eventually when I find a good one.