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January - October 2007

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April 01, 2003 - 8:37 a.m.

This may be my last entry for some time.

As I type this, movers are at my house. They are packing Peyton�s belongings and mine. When I leave work for lunch, I�m not coming back. Larry doesn�t have a clue.

I guess I should start at the beginning.


I went to my appointment at the chiropractor�s yesterday. Man With Whom I Am Smitten was there.

We talked, like really talked, not just the endless chitchat that normally fills my visits. His girlfriend, my husband, our lives.

As I was getting ready to leave, his last question stopped me dead in my tracks.

�Would you like to get together for dinner?�

�Tonight?� I squeaked.

He nodded solemnly, a faint smile crossed his face.

My heart pitter pattered, my sensibility screamed, �Go home, run away.� And my head nodded yes, without any prompting from my brain.

I stepped outside to call Larry and let him know that the new receptionist was a girl I went to school with and we were going to dinner to catch up.

�Have fun.�

I took the Explorer and gassed up as he closed the office. I have no idea what excuse he told his girlfriend. I didn�t ask.

We went to this quiet Italian restaurant out west, near the Everglades. It was perfect, not too busy and no chance in hell we would be recognized.

What else can I say? We talked till 10 and then he asked me to run away with him.

I told him yes, then we giggled through another hour, making plans and promises.

And here I am. Writing my last diary entry as a non-adulterous woman.

I can�t help it, I mean, I guess I could, but then I would be miserable for the rest of my life and I decided I don�t want that.

He�s the one I�ve been dreaming about all these years. I hear it in his voice. I see it in his eyes.

I feel it in my heart.

Please don�t judge, you haven�t walked in my shoes.

To my new friends out there in Diaryland, thank you. I�ll be in touch when we settle down, maybe I�ll start writing again too.

Follow your dreams, listen to your heart and live every day like it�s your last.

Before you leave, please do me one favor and check out this site.