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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

April 21, 2003 - 11:12 a.m.

God Bless Tylenol PM

I had a wonderful weekend at my parent�s house.

We partied with the family (Not to be confused with The Family) in true redneck style, bringing our lawn chairs around to the front of my uncle�s house, when the sun shone too brightly on the back patio. Tailgates were lowered, the beer was flowing and a card game happening on the tail end of my other uncle�s new boat that he parked in the yard for us to admire.

My grandmother and aunt were very excited to see us and I was so happy to oblige. We also stopped by my other grandmother�s Saturday afternoon. She was so surprised and I�m pretty sure it made her week.

We packed up Peyton and took him to church Sunday morning to exercise his demons. Oh, I didn�t tell you he was a demon possessed?

Well, he is.

A little demon lives inside of him called �The Demon who Refuses to Give Mommy One Good Night�s Sleep, Instead I will Sleep Sideways and Try to Fall Off the Bed, Causing Mommy to be Worried and Vigilant All Night Long.�

We call him Demon for short.

Last night it worked perfectly. I let the in-laws take him for the evening, therefore ridding my house of the demon, popped two Tylenol PM�s and slept from 10:30 to 7:00 without a pee break.

Tylenol PM should really be made in Baby form.

I am back at work and trying to get caught up on all my friend�s diaries, oops, I mean my work. So, if I don�t get that report to you today, I will try my best to have it read tomorrow. *wink

I miss Larry something fierce.

I have a post-it note stuck to my monitor to make Cutie Pie a CD, but I keep forgetting the CD.

I�m sorry, Cutie Pie. I will try my best to remember tomorrow.

I have so much that I could write about, that I just don�t want to write any of it.

If anyone has read Rules of Attraction, let me know. I am interested on your take of it.

Weird, very weird.

That�s mine.