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January - October 2007

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August 07, 2003 - 10:44 a.m.

Pick a Date. Any Date

Four years ago today, I walked down the isle to join Larry in Holy Matrimony.

Five years ago from next Wednesday, I walked into the courthouse to join Larry in Holy Matrimony.

Which day do we celebrate? Who knows? We generally just pick whichever one is more convenient and run with it.

The catch?

My parents know about the 13th. His parents only know about the 7th.

It never fails when someone asks us our anniversary, we both look at each other and I say, �The 7th� as he says, �The 13th.�

The person then looks at him sympathetically thinking, �You are so going to get your ass chewed out.�

I just laugh.

Let�s talk about this wedding for a minute. A girl�s dream, right? HA!

My advice is to make the wedding as small as possible, elope even. You can still buy the dress, have the photographer and all that jazz, but really weddings are so much better without the stress of having actual people attend it.

Then you have the family members who insist on having a photo taken of every possible mixture of people possible. You and Aunt Sally. You and Aunt Sally and Cousin John. You and Aunt Sally and Cousin John and Farmer Ted. You and Farmer Ted. You and Farmer Ted and Cousin John. Farmer Ted and Cousin John without you.

The possibilities are endless.

Honestly, Larry and I spent most of our reception outside of the main hall at the bar.

We watched our wedding tape about a year afterwards and I thought, �Wow, that was a nice ceremony. Too bad, I DON�T REMEMBER ANY OF IT!�

We told Larry�s parents last night that we are putting Peyton in daycare and it went . . .

surprisingly well.

Almost too well. Like what is wrong with my son well.

Just kidding. I think Larry�s mom knows that Peyton is too bright and outgoing to stay with her forever. He loves playing with other kids and I think he will learn even that much quicker seeing the other kids do things.

Plus, being the center of attention all day long is not good for him. He�s too dominant and demanding. I think he needs having to wait his turn and stuff like that.

So, as of September 8, my baby will be in daycare.

I�m excited. I know he will have fun and I�ll actually get to see him more, since the daycare is in the same complex as our new office.

I�m thinking on Fridays at 4, my office door will be closed and a little one year old will be running around.

All right folks, I am heading out early tomorrow morning to have a weekend of Drunky but Funky behavior at a friend�s wedding.

Sans Child.

And the heavens opened and shined upon Erika.

Happy Weekend.