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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

March 01, 2005 - 11:02 a.m.

Is it child abuse if I apologize for throwing him out the window?

Last Monday, Larry and I commenced the challenging task of moving Peyton from our bed to his new big boy bed. It�s Larry�s fault we have to do this at all. Before I became pregnant, Peyton would go to sleep every night in his crib. Granted, he woke up every night and ended up in our bed, but at least we had a few hours to ourselves. When I was so sick at the beginning of the pregnancy and going to bed almost as soon as my feet hit the door from work, Larry decided it was easier to just bring Peyton to our bed rather than fighting him every night. Apparently, Larry has never read the definition of a good parent which reads: Good Parent: Almost never easy. Hence, Mommy now has the task of moving Peyton from our bed to his bed.

Luckily for us and with some help from the Super Nanny, Peyton only cried the first night for about 15 minutes. Each night for the first 5 nights, I moved closer to the doorway. Peyton has no problem getting into bed by himself and going to sleep there, but he does want me to now sit on the floor as he rambles on and on for a good 20 to 30 minutes. It never fails that when I think he�s almost asleep, a car horn will blow, a motorcycle will race by or a space ship will descend and he�ll bolt up from the pillow and ask repeatedly, �What was that?� His little brain just will not shut down at night.

Thankfully, Shey has scheduled himself to go to bed at 9 (of course now that I type this, he�ll stay up till 12 tonight) and he�s also a great sleeper. When he gets sleepy, I can lay him down and off he goes. If Shey was another Peyton, who�s had sleeping issues since he was born, I think I would just go ahead and commit myself.

Hey, at least then I could get some sleep.