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January - October 2007

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April 11, 2005 - 9:34 a.m.

Blessed Be The Child Who Loves to Sleep, For His Parents Shall Look Upon Him With Great Favor

There�s no doubt about it, Shey loves to sleep like his momma. We took a two hour nap together yesterday afternoon, he slept again from 6:30 to 7:15, and then went to bed at 8:45. Oh the joys of a baby who will go to sleep without throwing a fit. He yawned, rubbed his eyes and I put him in his bed with his mobile on, 10-15 minutes later he was out and didn�t get up until 7 this morning. When I finally rolled my ass out of bed to check on him, he was hanging out, talking to himself and smiling.

And why was I dragging my ass out of bed this morning after what should have been a full night�s sleep? Because my first born was up from 1 to 3 coughing, coughing and more coughing. I first woke up about 1, but it didn�t really register what was going on, so I dozed in and out for a while before finally waking up enough to realize it was Peyton coughing. By the time I went into the kitchen, got down the cough medicine and a glass of water, the fit seemed to have passed, so I went back to bed like a dunce instead of just giving him the medicine then.

About 30 minutes later, he starts up again, but this time, I hit Larry to get up to give him medicine. He grumbles, but complies and I pray sleep will come quickly. About 30 minutes later, Peyton is still coughing, so I get up to give him some water. While trying to get a sleeping 2 almost 3 year old to sip his water, some falls on the covers. Not a lot, but enough that Peyton knows its wet. All of the sudden his is wide awake, �My bed�s wet. I come to your bed.� He hops up, puts his arms out so I can pick him up over the railing (the big boy rail, not the crib) and I take him to my room. He quickly tells his daddy, �My bed was wet,� and then hogs half the pillow. Thankfully, his cough medicine kicked in and within 15 minutes we were all asleep.

I can�t complain though, at 9:15 last night after his movie was over, he got up, pottied and went to bed. By 9:45, the house was quiet and Larry and I actually had some time for us. This whole �having your kid sleep in his/her own bed� thing is pretty cool.

Speaking of cool, Peyton went to school today wearing his Thomas the Train underwear over his pull-up, and I also sent a couple more pairs with some extra shorts, so let the potty-training begin. His teacher says he stays dry at school, and will go to the bathroom when the other kids go, so hopefully, this will be a smooth transaction. Larry and I will just have to work with him at night, especially cause that�s when he poops. Let the fun begin.

We went Saturday and picked out our kitchen cabinets, so now we just have to send in the deposit check and we�re on our way to a new kitchen. I�ll post before and after photos, as we are totally rearranging the design. I can�t wait! Our kitchen is going to kick ass. I�m only sorry that I won�t be able to regale you with remodeling horror stories as Chell so eloquently has since we are going the sane route and hiring someone to complete our remodel. Imagine that, having a project completed in two weeks rather than two years. Haha You know I�m only messing with you Chell, as who would I laugh at if you had gone the easy route?

Can I say that I just love my new little pink Mini iPod? I do! I do!