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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

October 10, 2005 - 3:08 p.m.

Sign Me Up for the Doublewide

Larry was gone for 10 days on storm duty, so by Saturday, I was ready to pull my hair out a strand at a time, but decided instead to load the boys up and cart them around time. Our first stop was CVS. Our new receptionist has got me on a make-up kit and I really want a new set of Trish McEvoy make-up brushes, however, we are broke, broke, broke and I appeased my obsession by buying some cheap brushes instead. Actually, CVS�s (?) Essence of Beauty brushes aren�t bad for those on a budget. While I was perusing the make-up section, Peyton was running up and down the aisles attempting to exercise the demon that resides within him at times, and Shey was sitting in the mini-shopping cart eating my keys. (Poor second child)

Physician�s Formula had some cool new eye shadow and it was buy one get one free, so what the hell, in the cart it goes. I also picked up some of their �loose� powder, which is actually little balls of color, although now I�ve tried it, I don�t recommend it to those looking. After I spent as much time as I could looking at CVS� make-up section, I headed to the front to pay.

Peyton refused to stand still as the lady was ringing me up, so finally I growled at him, �stand beside me and don�t move.� I wasn�t paying attention as she scanned the items, and when she read the total, I glanced at the list of items I had bought. I noticed she charged me for both eye shadows, so I casually mentioned, �aren�t those buy one get one free?� Because, hey, they were $7.00 and that�s a lunch, also, the aforementioned brokenness. The poor cashier pulls out the advertisement and I start to feel like a heel, because even though there were signs all over the eye shadow section, it�s not listed in the flyer. So, she calls the manager, who limps over, and then limps to the make-up aisle to check. There must have been a mistake, because when she came back, she had all the advertisements in her hand.

Peyton�s losing his cool, Shey�s tired and now the manager�s asking me how do I want to handle the transaction. We can refund everything and ring it up again, or she could just give me my $7.00 in cash. By now, I�m getting hot, because I�m hanging around for $7.00 and my kids are going crazy. I�m the poor single mom who can�t control her children.

Then it happens, Peyton goes over to Shey and stands up on the cart rung and the whole mini-cart tips over. Peyton lands on the ground, cushioning Shey�s and the cart�s fall, both kids start screaming, the manager limps over to us and I�m mortified. I pick up the cart, unbuckle Shey, pick up Peyton and then walk back to the cart for my $7.00, because now I need it for a strong shot of something.

The manager keeps asking if the boys are ok, like I�m going to sue them for my son�s own actions, I assure we are, just give me my DAMN money already.

For the rest of the day whenever Peyton started up, I reminded him, remember what happens when you don�t listen to mommy? The cart falls on your head!