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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

February 13, 2007 - 4:25 p.m.


One of my favorite television shows is Grey's Anatomy. I love the drama, suspense and of course the dreamy guys. What is also interesting though, is the medical part of the show. The cases that always seem to relate to the characters/doctors. The patients who touch us, make us cry and awaken the dream within to make more of our lives.

It's always cool when someone arrives at Seattle Grace by air evac medical flights. These flying ambulances carry the critically ill patients all over the states and even internationally. Donor transplants from the other coast arrive via air evac all the time.

I always thought this was a service provided by the hospital, or the helicopter on hand, but apparently, there are companies that specialize in providing transports and professionally medical staffing for the transports. Aerocare is one of these companies. They offer medivac and air evac medical flights both nationally and internationally.

Should I ever need medical care of this magnitude, it would be good to know that the company providing the service that flies you from harm's way to the hospital is a reputable one. Hopefully, this need would never arise, but if it does, I hope the company is a good one.

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