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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

February 26, 2007 - 12:42 p.m.

The Bigger, The Better

A friend and co-worker's wife turned 35 last week, so I offered our home for their use to throw a surprise party for her. Between the two families alone, there were about 30 people there. The all were great and kept thinking us for hosting the party. It was a lot of fun just watching the dynamics between these people who had known each other, well, for their whole lives. That's one thing I miss about being an only child. Even though my dad's side of the family, well siblings, is large (7 of them), there is a low number of children, and the kids that are there, are spread out in age and location. Case and point, I have a first cousin who is 3 weeks younger than Peyton. I know all families have their problems, but I often think how nice it would be to have such a large support base. It almost makes me want to have another kid. Almost.