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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

April 03, 2007 - 1:30 p.m.

So tomorrow is the big day. Dun Da Da! I am celebrating myself by taking the day off of work and going to my favorite pottery place near the beach with some friends. The closer this day has gotten, the better I feel about it. This past year has brought so much growth in my life, that I can't even begin to recount all the ways I feel I've grown, and thankfully weight is not one of them. ha

The last entry I mentioned all the things going on, and I can finally tell you about another one. I've been working on a website to explore the Law of Attraction, what it is and how it affects our lives. ALthough there is still much to add, including an About Me page, it is close enough that I can link it here.

Live Life Abundantly

Go visit, hang out, let me know what you think. I already have several more entries written that I will add in the next day or so.

Life is so exciting right now.

There are a couple more things I am working on, but they're on the hush right now, so you have to stay tuned!