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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

October 05, 2007 - 11:11 a.m.

Sometimes there is Peace

Last week, I TiVoed Spy Kids 3 for the boys and they have been enthralled with it ever since. This morning as soon as Shey woke up, he asked, "Can we watch the movie with the yellow and purple guy?" "Sure," I replied, even though they had just watched it last night. I turned on the movie, provided some juice and went about getting ready for work.

I heard the boys talking about which guy they were on the big screen and who was doing what at the time. I looked over as I was putting on my make-up and they were cuddled together at one end of the couch, heads together, pointing to the screen. I wanted to grab the camera, but I knew the moment would pass before I could adequately capture it. And five minutes later,

"You're the purple guy," said Peyton, "You just died. Shey died! Shey died!"

I guess all treaties are meant to be broken.