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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

November 08, 2007 - 9:05 a.m.

Lock Down

Yesterday both the kids' schools were in lock down. In fact, all of Broward County schools were in lock down.

A convict escaped from a transport van, shot a deputy, who later died, and took off on the run. All this happened about 30 minutes from where we live, work and go to school.

As I listened to the news reports coming in, mama bear kicked in and all I wanted to do was go get my children. I knew they were safe and no one was getting into the schools, but it was still a scary thought. No control is not nice.

Thankfully, they caught the guy about 1 yesterday afternoon and have him in custody now. I feel so bad for the deputy's family. What a horrible way to lose a family member. I can't imagine having a loved one going to work every day with the thought that today could be the day something really bad happened.