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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

January 16, 2003 - 10:14 a.m.

My Spectacular Day

All sarcasm aside, yesterday was just kick ass!

It all began when I met my boss at the architect�s office to work on the plans for our new office space that is being built. Let me tell you about my office . . .

My office is huge, like 15 � feet by 12 feet. That�s pretty damn big. My office is on the corner, the corner! My office has 4, count �em 1, 2, 3, 4 windows! I will be sitting in this new office around the first of May. I can hardly contain my excitement. I also get to meet with the interior designer and pick out the color scheme for the whole office space, which should be pretty cool too.

When we sat down with the other employees and picked out offices, I made the recommendation that I take the corner office because it is near the front and I can watch over the clerical staff, as I am the office manager. Everyone agreed because they sure as shit don�t want to watch over them. I don�t think they realized that I had 4 windows. HEE! Oh well, so sad for them! I deserve it though. I�ve been stuck in this hole in the wall for 3 years now. Back in the back, all by myself. Honestly though, I kinda like it that way. I can surf the net all I want and no one is the wiser.

I just hope we are able to sell our current building. This office space sucks! The previous co-owner bought this space, which was a warehouse and converted it to offices. So you can only imagine how lovely it is. No windows, the stairs aren�t the proper width, the walls are actually crooked and the color scheme is this horrid shade of blue, yuck! Good riddance!

The next fanfuckingtastic thing that happened was my yearly review. I get a great e-mail from my boss. Here, I will let you read it . . .

Dear Mrs. K,

As a most valuable member of the la, la, la team, especially in assisting myself, I wish to extend a salary increase equal to 10% of your current salary, commencing with the pay period of January 24th, 2003. This would increase your yearly salary to yada, yada, yada and monthly to $yada yada yada If acceptable, please advise and I will forward to payroll immediately.

Once again, thank you for performing your duties to the highest level.

Isn�t that great! I received a nice raise last year and thought this one would be ok, but not 10%. I had to laugh when I read it. I am grossly overpaid. Well, maybe not, if I actually worked for 8 hours a day, but I am generally able to get my work done in 2 hours and that�s pushing it. I have a feeling though that more duties will be added to my repertoire, but that�s ok. I can always find time to goof off. J

And last, but not least, I got an hour-long massage, for free! I�ve been going to the chiropractor for 2 months now for a numb spot in my back and yesterday I had my first session of �massage therapy.� Ahhhhh, heaven! And the best part is, I get to go back, like once a month, or once every 3 weeks. And it�s all covered by insurance. I just have to pay my little $20.00 co-pay. A massage like this in a salon would run you at least $50-60. I also received an adjustment after that, snap, crackle, pop. As scary as it sounds, it really feels good.

So that was my spectacular day. The only thing that dampens my spirits is Cutie Pie�s work has restricted her internet access, so we can only e-mail a few times a day, rather than the eight hour conversations we used to have on MSN. L But it will all be better soon, because WE�VE GOT TICKETS! And in 16 days, we will meet and go to the concert event of the year! Yiipppeeeee!


On a funnier note. . . .when I was getting dressed this morning, all of my �nicer� jeans weren�t easily assessable, so I pulled out my black pants and slightly see through electric blue shirt to wear. When I looked in the mirror, I said, �well, this won�t work.�

There, in all its glory, was my leopard print VS bra. Hmmmmmm.

So, now I am sitting here suffering through the day in a suit jacket, hoping that I don�t invite a sexual harassment case. :p


Peyton woke up at 1:30 this morning. Waaaaaaaaa! He�s killin� me! I think he is trying to cut his top teeth though. My MIL, who keeps him, said he hasn�t been eating as well, and he wants to sleep a lot. So hopefully, those teeth will come shortly and he will start sleeping better. He�s started eating crackers too. It�s so cute and he loves them. He munches a little off, gums it, then munches a little more. Woe to the man, or woman though who tries to get him to slow down. He gets mad and throws the cracker to the ground and then gets pissed because his cracker is gone. Oh dear, he�s going to be great through the terrible twos. *rolls eyes

I can see the grocery store fits in my head already.