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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

June 17, 2004 - 10:45 a.m.

Get in Line

I have discovered the major problem of highly organized religion and it can be summed up in two small words. Carpool Lines.

My friend called me yesterday and during the course of the conversation, she recounted how she had been chastised by the keeper�s of the Carpool Line earlier that morning. My friend�s daughter is 3 and has been attending Vacation Bible School this week. Vacation Bible School, people, and they have Carpool Rules and Regulations. Being that her daughter is three, when my friend went to pick her daughter up yesterday, she wanted to drop inside, say hello to the teacher and find out how the day had gone. Needless to say, she violated the great Carpool Line Law.

As she pulled into a parking space and walked inside, she was quickly greeted with, �What are you doing?� �Can I help you?� �You broke the fucking Carpool Line!� Okay, maybe not the last one, but that�s basically what they were saying. She explained she wanted to stop in and say hello, which was met with a rousing chorus of �New mom coming through.�

My friend met with the teacher (after the carpooling collection was done), collected her daughter, and she headed back to her car. When she walked outside, other mothers, who had been standing outside their vehicles, scrambled around and asked, �Are they coming?� It was quickly explained that loitering outside the vehicle while in the Carpool Line was forbidden also. Folks, these mothers were still scared of the principal.

Please do not cause disturbance to the order.

The irony? My friend says there�s a sign in plain view that says, �Feel free to stop by anytime.�