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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

July 22, 2004 - 9:26 a.m.

Somewhat Weekly Photo

I probably won�t do this every week, but this week, there just felt like a big increase. Now that I look at the photos, it doesn�t seem that way, though. Oh well.

We go Monday night for my ultrasound, which is cool because my parents will be in town so they can come too.

I actually slept the whole night last night without getting up to pee! Go me! Woohoo.

So, here it is. I think I�m at 18 � weeks, or somewhere around there.

And since I had the camera out, here�s the angel before he slips into stinker mode.

Oh, does anyone know where I can go to archive this diary? I've done it once, but can't find the link again.