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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

December 01, 2004 - 10:43 a.m.

Ruff, Ruff

I look hella (hee) rough today. I'm sporting my almost too tight capris maternity jeans, one of Larry's t-shirts, no eye make-up and flip flops. Too bad my boss won't send me home for this ensemble.

Fake contractions are getting stronger, and last night I even had a few that had me thinking it was the real thing. My crotch feels like it's going to fall out and my skin refuses to stretch anymore. I'm set for induction at the end of next week and it's taking forever to get here. But then again, I know what's coming as far as the pain is concerned and I'm actually terrified. It's the pushing that freaks me out the most. I just remember moaning, "Fuck, this hurts." while straining to get Peyton out. Maybe with this one I should tell them to kick the epidural up a notch.

On a more positive note, this Friday is my last working day. Woohoo! Maternity leave, here I come!