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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

July 07, 2005 - 9:36 p.m.


Shey went to bed about 8 and then Peyton, Larry and I got into the pool for a while. (and yes, Nicole, I did some exercises.) Bathtime followed and now Peyton is sitting beside me on the couch as I type this, watching his Dora before bedtime. At times like these, it's hard to remember why I was so aggrevated after work, running here and there trying to fix dinner, feed the baby and pacify a three year old and a twenty-seven year old.

If only it could always be this way.

DORA! ( Boots shouts) BOOTS! ( Dora Shouts) Come On Dora! (Boots shouts) D D D Dora (Alright!) D D D Dora (giggle) D D D Dora D D D Dora (Let's Go) Dora Dora Dora the Explorer DORA Boots is super cool Explore with Dora (We need your help) Grab your backpack Lets Go! Jump In! Vamonos! You can lead the Way HEY! HEY! D D D Dora (4 times) Swiper no Swiping Swiper no Swiping (Oh man!) Dora the Explorer!