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January - October 2007

PPP Direct

April 18, 2007 - 1:29 p.m.

A couple of weeks ago, Shey and I were riding my bike together around the neighborhood. (And can I just interject here that I don't think I truly felt like a parent until I attached that toddler seat to the back of my beach cruiser and rode around the neighborhood. It's so much more fun than I thought it would be.)

We were on the way home, it was already almost dark and Shey says, "Where are we going?"

I said, "Home."

He said a little more incestantly, "Where are we going?"

Still clueless, I said, "Home" with a little more force, but not yet with the correct intonation.

Ever the persistent two year old, Shey tried once again, "Where are we going?"

Finally really hearing the singsong tone of his voice, I caught on and sang back, "We're going home!"

Shey clapped in a way that strongly suggested he was thinking finally woman! I think we need to up our Dora watchage.